December 28, 2012

when giving is so good

Once again, Christmas morning has come and gone.

I remember being a little girl, racing upstairs and seeing the full stockings and the gifts surrounding the tree.  Experiencing my family's love as I received the giving.

As I kid, my heart definitely didn't understand how it is better to give than to receive.  I don't expect my boys hearts to understand something that so goes against our nature, either.  Although we will continue to teach this lesson.

But this Christmas just might be right up there at the top of my favorite Christmas ever list.

Jude is finally to an age that he understands what is going on and can participate.  And it was so. much. fun. to bless my boy with toys that just light up his eyes.  And with the same excitement, he handed out the gifts to the rest of the family.  The sweet boy was quick to make sure Isaac always had his toys to play with, as well.  I pray he always has such a generous heart!

Giving is so good.

And Christmas really is all about the one perfect gift, isn't it?  The Father and the Son who made eternity with Him possible at all.

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas.  We are still laying low and stretching out the celebrating, which is why it's been a bit quiet around here.  I'm looking forward to some quiet time, meditating on the past year and thinking about what my goals will be for 2013.  I can't wait to share them with you!

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