November 15, 2011


A few people have been asking about our craft show and I thought I'd share how the day went.

My crafting buddies... a.k.a. the preggos... Maggie and Sharlynn.
So... all in all I'd say the craft show was a success.  And by success I mean, we didn't sell nothing... and at least I broke about even with my expenses.  But it did not go NEAR as well as we had hoped.  We sold 7 items total.  :-(  We kind of think it wasn't quite the right crowd.  And we got some good ideas for some changes and additions to make our items more appealing.  And we are NOT giving up.  An Etsy shop is still in my mind, perhaps after the holidays.

If you would like a necklace for the holidays, email me and I'll send you pics of what I have.  I'm open to some custom orders as well.  I was selling the necklaces for $12 at the craft show, but would include shipping if you require it shipped.

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In other successes.  This little boy has gone the past 4 nights without needing to eat in the middle of the night.  And ONE of those nights he didn't make a peep for 12.5 hours.

I do kind of miss those middle of the night snuggles.  But I REALLY can't complain about getting a full nights sleep.  That hasn't happened in about... 8 months or so.  And I still have the video monitor to watch his sweet cheeks sleep at night.  Does this make me a mommy stalker?  Nah.  If I'm still doing that when he's 16 you can confront me on it.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on a full night's sleep! That's so essential to my well-being, I don't see how anyone can do without it w/o going crazy!
    And it's too bad the craft show didn't go as well as you hoped, but I think an etsy store sounds like a fabulous idea.
    Do you have any pictures of yourself wearing the necklaces? I really like them, and I'm curious to see how they look "on."
