November 26, 2011

Many Thanks.

Thanks to everyone for all the congrats and support!!  It is nice to know there are so many people who can relate... both to the "oh crap" response and just having kids close.  I know I can do it!!  I just get a bit freaked out from time to time.

I didn't do a traditional Thanksgiving post this year, since I did my special announcement.  But I have MUCH to be thankful for.

Today, though, I am especially thankful for this little guy.  Last night Jordan and I spent a good hour just looking through pictures of the last 8 months and videos we've recorded.  We have been SO BLESSED by Jude.  It's hard to believe he is the product of Jordan and me.  We thank God for him every day!!  I know with #2 the love will just grow. :-)

Here are a few peeks at our Thanksgiving weekend.


  1. He reminds me so much of Ethan in those videos! Such a happy boy! :)

  2. I meant to tell you that when I got pregnant in August I completely freaked out and we were actually "trying"! So excited for the 3 of you and what an awesome gift you are giving to Jude :)
