May 4, 2011


First things first... I've decided my blog needed a bit of a face-lift.  In all honesty, designing this thing is a fun creative outlet for me, so that is why it changes so much.  I also decided to give it a name: "Loving the little things."  Just because that is where I am at in life right now.  Jude is teaching me to take life more slowly and stop and enjoy all of these little fleeting moments.  So - I thought it was appropriate. 

In all seriousness, there is nothing like a baby to show you how fast time flies by.  This sweet boy has started showing us his love through his smiles.  SO so fun.  Today he was fussing a bit in his crib during nap-time and I went to give him his paci and in turn he gave me a HUGE grin.  Of course I had to get him up from his nap and snuggle him after that.  He is such a joy.  It is so much fun to watch him get to know the world for the first time.  I am truly cherishing all of these little moments and firsts with him. {excuse the quality of these pics and video... they were taken on my phone}

{A video of my happy boy... as you can see, I have the baby-talk down}


  1. That second pic of Jude is just so precious!!

  2. The first smiles are so great. They definitely make up for the work and lack of sleep. Love Jude's smiles:). How are you feeling? Would you be up for a walk soon?


  3. So cute!! And I love the facelift :). You are very creative!

  4. him.:-)

  5. love the pics...can't wait to see him! - and you all:)

  6. I'm the same way - and changed my layout again. I think I do it twice a month. ;) The video and photos are so sweet!
