December 29, 2010

Decision made.

I am happy happy happy.  I have been off work for the past week and have gotten to relax, spend time with family, and just focus on this little guy and dream about how our life is going to change dramatically in 3 short months. 

I am getting SOOOOO excited to meet this little guy.  Jordan and I have made a few BIG decisions (to me) in the past few weeks relating to life with this little guy.  First of all -- I have been struggling so much with the decision to work or not work or work part-time.  Access of West Michigan is a WONDERFUL place to work and they have always been super flexible with me.  Jordan and I always planned on me being a stay-at-home-mom, but since being at Access, in a career I love at an non-profit I love, I have had a difficult time just walking away.  So, I pretty much just altered my job description to express what I thought I could handle being a new mom, and presented it to our Executive Director to see if he thought it was do-able.  It looks like everyone is on the same page and I couldn't be more thrilled!  Beginning in March, I will be working 15 hours a week, 5 hours in the office and 10 at home.  I'll be focusing on grant-writing, writing appeals, etc... and less on community outreach (which calls for me to be in multiple meetings and out of the house/office frequently).  I really feel like this is a do-able plan and I am so excited to be able to stay home, while continuing to work for an organization I love.  I'll work until I have the baby, then take my maternity leave.  Yippee!!

The second decision Jordan and I recently made, is that we are planning for a natural drug-free birth.  I also felt very torn on this decision.  My family has a history of c-sections and for whatever reason I am more scared of that than of labor.  I also knew that studies show that women who have epidurals, etc, are more likely to need a c-section.  I just feel like I am at an increased risk.  Obviously -- if I need a c-section... then I need a c-section and I'll have my baby and it will be wonderful.  But, we decided that if I want to do what I can to avoid this, planning for a drug-free birth is the best way to have the birth experience I desire.  I've been reading tons and tons of birth stories of women who birthed naturally and just find myself excited and inspired by the whole experience.  I am not expecting it to be easy, but view it as a challenge that I am excited to take on.  Birth is like a race... it is mental, emotional, and physical all the same, and you need to prepare each of these areas.  I know that if I go in just giving a drug-free birth a shot without preparing, there is no way I'd be able to handle it.  My good friend Erin recently had a drug-free birth with her son, John, and introduced me to her doula and birth coach.  Her name is Karlye and she teaches a hypnobirthing* class and also serves as a hypbobirthing doula.  Now - I know hypnobirthing sounds kinda hippy/new age-ish, but I can assure you it is not.  It is more about just preparing yourself mentally and physically to handle labor and get your mind into a place where you release the tension and fear surrounding birth.  We have 5 weeks of childbirth classes to prepare us and our first one starts next week!!  I am so excited I can hardly wait.  I know I will get some push-back from people as I talk about it, but all I can say is that the birth you want is an extremely personal decision.  I am by no means against epidurals or c-sections (except that I am scared of them myself!), but Jordan and I feel that this type of birth fits in best with what we hope to experience.  It is so weird, I never "dreamed" about my actual birth before, but now I find myself just dreaming about the labor experience and getting excited to conquer it.  I'll obviously post my birth story once it happens in about 3 months to share with you how it went.

Now I must get on to sewing for my little guy.  On the agenda today -- curtains, crib skirt, and pillow covers.  I started my quilt, but haven't actually quilted it yet.  {Excuse the horrible photo quality -- these were taken on my phone.  I'll take more later on with my good camera.}

{one view of the nursery in the very beginning stages... i plan to paint the bookcase red for a pop of color}

{the quilt and crib}

*For those interested, the hypnobirthing class description:  HypnoBirthing is a complete, natural childbirth class that focuses on breathing, relaxation, and self-hypnosis. HypnoBirthing will prepare you physically and emotionally for your birthing day.  Its philosophy is that pregnancy and birth are normal, natural, and healthy. You will be taught about your birthing body and how your mind plays a crucial role in how your birth will be achieved.  HypnoBirthing will give you the knowledge to work with your body throughout labor allowing for a more comfortable and enjoyable experience.


  1. Your decision about work sounds just perfect!! What a fantastic compromise...I'm so glad they were willing to work with you! And, I feel the same way about birth each their own! My mom had all five of us naturally and wouldn't change it for the world, but I am planning on having an epidural. And you're right, it's a very personal decision. Oh, and I have a friend who did an all natural hypnobirth and had a great experience! Will you still have the baby at Spectrum?

  2. Thanks Christine! Yes - birth is SUCH a personal decision. I planned on having an epidural all along until I just couldn't shake the thought that I really wanted to try it naturally. So I decided if I really wanted that, I needed to do something about it.

    I'll still be at Spectrum and my OB will be there. We'll just have a doula there to help us out. :-)

    And I am so excited that YOU are nearly half-way!! Time sure flies, doesn't it??

  3. Congratulations, Lindsy! Choosing your ideal birth scenario is a huge step! I have to admit, I'm hooked on keeping up with your blogs! Pregnancy and birth are just SO SO wonderful and exciting! If you're looking for more encouragement and information in your natural birth experience I would offer you to look at some info on the Bradley Method as well. Some of the information would pair nicely with your hypnobirthing. We used Bradley for both of our births (I'll admit, I ended up with an epidural in both labors, though in my defense, my first labor was 44 hours and my second one was 22 hours!!) But we LOVED the info, education, and inspiration that Bradley offered not only the mother giving birth, but the husband/father as well! Good luck with everything... cherish it! I miss all the wonderful excitement of pregnancy and birth already!!! Your look wonderful and I am excited for you and Jordan just reading all your blog posts! :)
