March 23, 2012

Friday Phone-Dump v.3

Helping Daddy talk on the phone.

Waiting for daddy to come home so we can go to the park!

Stripes too much for the belly? (and I just love Jude in this pic)

SO MUCH FUN at the park!

Playing piano with Mamaw!

Every day.  Mmmm.  100% natural flavored sparkling water.  Grapefruit is my fave.

"I LOVE MY DOG"... the hat - not so much. :-)

Beautiful sunset through downtown GR.  No filter on this one.

Love spending my days with this little guy.  Such a blessing.  I just want to kiss those cheeks all over.

Thanks to my hubby - this interesting piece of information.  Pretty sure it was pushing 90.  And it got up to 82 degrees in our house before we caved and turned the air on.

Yep, it was hot.  Too hot for clothes.

Cruising.  He flies with that thing.

Someone wants to go to work with Daddy.

Eating kohlrabi from the CSA.  Chopped, tossed with a little olive oil and basil, roasted at 450 for about 30 mins, then tossed in a splash of rice vinegar.  Jude couldn't stop eating it!


Linking up with...

life rearranged

1 comment:

  1. EEP, girl your belly is so cute!! Stripes definitely aren't too much :)
    And I just may have to try some of that sparkling water. I'm in desperate need of a replacement for my *almost* daily Dr. Pepper!
