March 9, 2012

Friday Phone-dump v.1

I follow many blogs that do this whole "Friday phone-dump" deal.  Basically sharing the little moments you captured during the week via phone.  I love having my iPhone now to quickly take video or pictures of things I would likely not bust out our Nikon for.  And, of course, I'm all about sharing pics of my little cutie.  So here you go.  My first phone-dump Friday.

Good morning little sunshine.  Nothing like this sweet smile greeting me every morning.

Haircut soon?  I just love these sweet curls.  Not sure if Mama can handle cutting it, but it is bound to happen someday soon.

No toys were hurt in the taking of this picture. ;-)

Reading after nap time... still in his napping pants. {Yes, he has napping pants.  I hate napping in jeans, so I always make sure Jude is in some comfy cozies.}

The solution when I desperately need to go to the grocery store.  Nothing like a good "home-cooked" meal from Russ'.

Rare kitty love.

Smoothie time!  He downed two sippys full.  I didn't tell him there was avocado and spinach in them. ;-)

Absolute truth.  No room for questioning.

My sweet boy early in the morning... sometimes I just want to crawl into his crib and snuggle him up!!

A little sniffly and teething today.  

Which means extra snuggles for Mama. <3

And of course practicing walking takes your mind off not feeling so good. ;-)

And a couple videos from the past week. :-)

Linking up with...

life rearranged


  1. Awww...that pouty face! He's so sweet!

  2. Cute photos, I love the napping pants, lol, and your kitty! :)

  3. Aww, Molly girl just had her first taste of green smoothie the other day! Only I had to spoon feed it to She still doesn't understand the concept of the sippy cup! :)
