New Here?

I have always loved words.  Words that, when put together, let you know that you were understood.  Cared for.  Valuable.  Not alone.

Writing keeps me sane.  And sharing stories is my passion.

Because there is healing in sharing stories.  In knowing that there are people who have gone before you and survived and thrived and shared.

Because there is encouragement in sharing stories.  In knowing that people have set out for their dreams and accomplished more than they ever thought possible.

Because there is community when stories are shared.  We learn a little bit more about each other and know how to love each other a little bit better.

So what will you find in this space?

My words.  For you.  And I hope you will share your stories with me somewhere along the way.

You'll find stories of a mother, of faith, of an aspiring writer, and of the delicate balance of time devoted to all of the above.  You'll find a lot of instagram photos and letters to my children.  You'll read of new revelations and the workings out of my faith.  You'll hear about my savior Jesus.

Sometimes I feel that I write about the boring and mundane.  The moments that would just slip by, but for some reason they stuck in my heart.  I start writing and by the end of the post I've learned something new.  About the Lord and about me.  Just by writing out the stories of my life.

You will not find fancy photography.  Tutorials.  Recipes.  Or how-to-do-it-all-and-have-an-organized-life posts.  I'm still figuring that part out.  (If any of you has it figured out, let me know and I'll let you do a guest post).

I'm so happy you've stopped by.


Here are some blog favorites.  My top most visited as well as some of my most favorite to write.

Top Posts

Jude's Birth Story (when your birth plan doesn't go your way)

Surprise! We're pregnant again!

My thoughts on another c-section.

Isaac's Birth Story (a scheduled c-section)

Moving over (announcing our pregnancy with Jude and history of miscarriage)

The nursery revealed!

Two years ago (remembering our loss)

The Lord is God the entire time (a prayer for the unborn)

My Favorites

Tomorrow (a post about my hubby)

Some truths spoken to my heart (God's words to me following my miscarriage)

2012 goals

March 28 (my first boy's first birthday)

My new job title (about leaving my job to stay home with my boys)

Guest post from the best (guest post from my sister & bro-in-law)

It is okay. It is life. (grappling with new-mommyhoodness)

1 comment:

  1. Glad I stumbled onto your blog! I'm following you now :)

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