August 14, 2011

Link love.

I've been doing a lot of reading lately.  Real reading, yes, I read books - or rather, the Kindle. {which I LOVE}.  But I have also been finding a lot of fabulous blogs out there.  Blogs from women who encourage and inspire other women in their faith, mommy-hood, and marriage.  This week I have been SO encouraged simply by reading the thoughts and stories of other women like me.

So I feel compelled to share the love.  I think I might do this every weekend.  We'll call it link love.  I'm just going to post a few of my favorites from the past week {although some were posted earlier in the month}.  Check these awesome women out.

Jana @ Bengali Mama :: LOVE this girl's heart.  And I'm privileged to know her in real life! I love her post this week titled Your Roots Are Showing.  She has such an eloquent and REAL way with words... and she bares her heart.  Her genuine rawness is a breath of fresh air.  Love her!

Jessica @ Naptime Diaries :: She posted earlier this month about being aware of what comes out of our mouths... and blogs {facebook posts, etc} on her post 1% change, out of the overflow.  A VERY good reminder that "out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks".  I also love her 1% change idea.  Baby steps... little changes to over time result in life change.  LOVE it.  And inspired by her, my 1% change?  Read my Bible, however much or little, at least once a day.  To center and focus my day on the Lord.  All seems better when this happens.

Courtney @ LoveLove ::  She is real about how God is our #1 priority over any relationship... and how sometimes that means things for relationships that we don't always like or understand.  Check out her post, From my heart (and my iphone) to my keyboard.  It was super refreshing to me.

Jenna @ Jenna's Everything Blog :: Just like her blog says, this girl writes about everything. :-)  Our parents were friends and she was probably one of my first friends in life!  However, we did not grow up together, so it has been fun to kind of fun to get to know her via blog the past few months.  This girl makes a mean warm salad in Warm Roasted Potato and Green Bean Salad.  I fully intend to try this out sooner than later.

There you have it.  Check 'em out. :-) You won't regret it!

P.S.  If you haven't noticed, I've rearranged things a bit around here.  I love me a blog makeover.


  1. Linds, thank you for directing us to other women like ourselves who are learning, growing, and sharing their hearts..very encouraging and love learning from others..

  2. I will definitely check out those blogs! And I love the blog makeover...I am always changing mine up too!

  3. and...i hope you don't mind, but i'm going to "steal" your Joshua bible verse that!

  4. Yay! I'm excited to check out these other women's blogs. Thanks for the recommendations!

  5. I love your blog makeover! Did someone make your layout for you? I'm looking to change things up, but not sure where to start...
