November 7, 2011


  • I have been loving being a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom).  Although, the week I left my job is the same week my parents moved to MI and they have been living with us for the past 5+ weeks!  So I haven't gotten a true taste of SAHM-hood as there have been other people besides Jude to interact with.  But I have loved being a full-time mommy nonetheless.
  • On November 1 Jude cut his first tooth!  And number two wasn't too far behind.  We no longer have a toothless gummy little boy.  And those little nubs are SHARP!
  •  Jude has been taking more bottles after my concern that he wasn't gaining enough weight.  He only gained 3 lbs between 2 and 6 months of age.  Since starting more bottles he gained 2 lbs in one month!  He weighed in at 17 lbs 6.5 oz last week.  It feels good to have that assurance that I made the right choice!
  • Diaper changing is a bit like wrestling an alligator.  And even more difficult using cloth diapers.  I'm thinking we might be done with the prefolds sooner than later and getting more all-in-ones.
  • I've been crafting like a mad-woman making little lovelies for a craft show I'm a part of this weekend.  I'm making cute rosette necklaces and some bibs, burp-cloths and things for baby.  We'll see how it goes!  If I make some cash I might do more craft shows around or open at Etsy shop or something.  But I'm doing the craft show with some of my best buds from college - Sharlynn, Holly, and Maggie.  I gotta admit, as much as I love crafting, it is more fun to have an excuse to get together with these ladies every Tuesday night.
  • I made a DELICIOUS soup from a recipe I found on pinterest.  Check it out!  Yum yum!!
  • I'm helping to lead worship for a Women's event at church this Thursday.  I haven't sung since before Jude was born, so I'm excited, albeit nervous!  It'll be great to use these pipes again and worship the Lord with some awesome women.
  • I've been having a hard time making "me time" lately.  I miss reading as much as I used to and feel a bit like I'm going through the motions.  Which is life at times.  I have to remember that there are seasons for everything. 
  • Resting in the comfort of a sovereign God.  Knowing that His plans aren't always the same as mine... sometimes they are better.  Sometimes they are challenging.  But He is ALWAYS good.


  1. I love so many things about this post! In general, I'm glad things are going so well!

  2. Ive been thinking about supplementing with formula too. What brand did you go with? Is Jude still sensitive to dairy? How does that work with a dairy based formula?

  3. Cute picture!! You have a beautiful little family :)

  4. So glad you are loving being a SAHM!! I think it's the bees knees :).

  5. Ah, seasons for everything . . . I totally just posted about that on my blog last week. It's hard to transition, but it makes life so much fuller and more beautiful in the end, doesn't it?
    . . . and yet that doesn't take away from the 'hard' aspect of it.
