December 31, 2010

100th post.

I was not planning on posting a traditional "2010 in review" post... until I saw that I had made 99 posts in 2010... and that it would be only appropriate to post once more to make that a round 100. :-)

2010 was most certainly a year to remember.  A rollercoaster of emotions - of sorrow and celebration and love.  Amidst all of it - I have MUCH MUCH MUCH to be thankful for.

So here it goes...


- I visit with the doctor for the first time to discuss fertility treatments.  We agree that due to my outrageously long cycles, clomid is the best bet.  I am hopeful/excited for the first time in months!

- Jordan's band, Those Eighty Acres, releases their first CD!

{my rockstar husband}

- My good friend, Mandy, gives birth to Lucy Joan and we are all oh-so in love and have the baby bug big time (as if we didn't already).

- Jordan celebrates his golden birthday - 28 on the 28th!

- I start volunteering at church with what is now called Realtime Crossroads.  This turns out to be a much bigger commitment than I anticipated, but I LOVE it!!


- I get very sick... I swear it was the H1N1... and it lasts for 2 months.  Not much to speak of in February except that I stayed in bed a lot.

- Then Jordan gets sick too, and it is tons of fun.

- We run tests on Jordan and I to check for possible fertility issues... all looks good with him, so we know the issue is me.  One step in the right direction.  Clomid it is.


- I need a distraction and get into sewing.  I get a new sewing machine and become a sewing maniac.

- Jordan's band, Those Eighty Acres, are live on the radio for the first time - 88.1!

- I start my first round of clomid and it WORKS... except for the fact that we do not get pregnant on it.  I am still hopeful though, as I know it can take 3+ months to truly work.


- The Access of West Michigan First Annual Gala happens!!  It is a huge success and I continually feel blessed to work for such a great organization.

 {the girls at Access}

- Clomid round two begins.


- The month to remember... we find out at the beginning of May that we are indeed pregnant... only to find out that we are miscarrying about 3 weeks later.  I am totally devastated... totally and completely.  {but of course God is good... this journey has forever changed me} You can read more about it here.

- Realtime Crossroads launches at church and we are now in full swing!


- Jordan and I take a much needed get-away up north and spend a lot of time reflecting, enoying each others company, playing scrabble, and going to Mackinaw Island.

- Jordan's band takes a mini-tour in Philidelphia, PA!  


- On July 17 the unthinkable happens... we are pregnant again.  Without drugs... completely naturally.  I am thrilled and terrified at the same time.  More here.

- My good friend Erin gives birth to John David!  Yay more babies!


- I am frustrated with my OB... I was experiencing issues that I felt he wasn't paying attention to (especially given my recent miscarriage).  So, I switch doctors... and on August 5 I see my babes heartbeat for the first time.  Oh so amazing... and a true relief.

- I feel pregnant... sickness, food aversions, the whole she-bang.  And I am thrilled about it.  Although the rest of the summer is spent sleeping and puking.  

- We buy a mini-van!! (this is significant on the road to parenthood)

- My good friend Jess gives birth to Leah Grace!  Yippee!

- My friend, Mandy, tells me that she is pregnant again and due just 3 weeks before us!  Double Yippee!!


- We reach second trimester... another GREAT sigh of relief!!

- We get a surprise ultrasound and are amazed at God's craftmanship.


- I turn 26!  Happy Birthday to meee!

- The Access of West Michigan County Wide Food Drive collects over 87 tons of food!  Way to go Grand Rapids!

- We go to Indiana for a family race!  Ben did the marathon, and the rest of us did the 5K (Mom and I walked).  Tons of fun!!

 - I feel the babe move for the first time between 15 and 16 weeks. :-)  So special!!


- A wonderful Thanksgiving with the Griffis/DeLooff family!

- Jordan is able to feel the baby move for the first time at 19.5 weeks.

- IT'S A BOY!!!

- My good friend Kaylee gives birth to Bella Grace!


- Jordan and I take a little "baby-moon" to Chicago and see Wicked!  Tons of fun!

- We are down to less than 100 days before we meet the little guy.

- We have an amazing Christmas week with my family.  We are so blessed!!

- And now we are looking forward to an amazing 2011... meeting our little boy and watching our lives completely change.

Happy New Year!!


1 comment:

  1. Hi, just found your blog and wanted to say hello! I'm due three days before you (and found your blog because I was googling for a picture of a cucumber to update my blog-ha!) and am excited to follow along with your adventure. Cheers! :)
