January 30, 2013
dear self.
Dear self,
Take a step back. And don't take today so seriously. Breathe.
Today is not a failure. Just a part of the journey.
Surrender the day. Accept grace. And keep walking.
So, dinner wasn't on the table... hardly at all. And maybe it consisted of graham crackers, cheese, fruit, and lunch meat. They ate. They filled their bellies. Probably more so than if you had made that delicious chicken curry you intended to make. Such is life.
Those convictions you feel to let go of some things. To say no. Pay attention to those. And maybe give yourself more room to breathe. Unplug more. Say yes to those sweet blue eyes more. Get on the floor and don't care about the dirt more. But don't get down on yourself because you didn't do it today. This journey has just begun and as they grow, so will you.
That time you put Jude in a time out, mostly motivated by frustration and exhaustion? It's okay. Don't dwell on it and don't feel guilty. Just live and learn. Accept grace. And maybe next time put yourself in a time out first.
Don't get your mind so wrapped up in the future. It is unknown and always will be. There is no predicting what will happen, what will be best, or what is even worth your energy thinking about. Focus on what you know to be true. Even the birds of the air do not sow and reap and your heavenly Father feeds them. You will also be fed. You will be given what you need for the moment. You won't find grace and peace in your worry. You will find grace and peace in your now.
Self, you are a good mom. A good wife. A good friend. A good person in general. You know this. Don't believe the lies that sneak up. Those little bouts of insecurity. Remember that even most important than each of these things, you are a daughter of the most high King. You have an inheritance in eternity. And you are deeply loved. Deeply. This is where you will find your value. This is where you will find your peace. Your purpose. Drink deeply of the Word of God. Find a way to give the first fruits of your day devoted to knowing Him more. I think you will greatly benefit by getting your day started in that way.
And go make your husband a sandwich for lunch tomorrow. You know it blesses him.
January 29, 2013
what I'm loving now
I just gotta say it. This sick season is starting to wear on me.
If not the boys, then me.
I find little more frustrating than being awake with a fever myself, while the littles sleep, knowing there won't be opportunity to make up for the loss later on.
Okay. Complaining over.
Despite being cooped up inside, there are so many things I love about now. In all honesty, my homebody self does not mind the lack of adventure much at all. We've watched movies, colored, play-dohed, drank hot cocoa, read books upon books, had dance parties, and loads and loads of snuggles.
I'm loving these days how Isaac's sweet personality is coming out more and more. He flat out adores his big brother. While sitting with the two boys on my lap watching a movie this afternoon, Isaac kept leaning over and giving Jude the wettest open-mouth-baby-kisses. Jude pushes him away, of course. A dynamic that will surely be interesting to watch grow over the next months and years.
I'm loving how Isaac nuzzles into me after I get him up from a nap and just makes the sweetest coos. So full of love.
I'm loving watching Jude grow in his vocabulary. He's on the later side of talking, but I know he will get there. He is busy being active and perfecting his hand-eye coordination. But that little voice chanting "pizza! pizza! pizza!" when I told him what was for dinner tonight and making sure everyone, including "I-sey" has their meal just melts my heart.
I'm loving the 6 month Bible reading plan I'm doing with my hubs. We've never read the Bible through together and I now think this is something every married couple should do at least once!
I'm loving thinking about the future, and trying hard to surrender instead of worry. So much (good) potential as we think of our plans to move in the next year or two. Where will we live? What will schooling look like? How many kids do we want to add to our family? All of these have been the topic of conversation as we seek to make wise decisions.
I'm loving trying to take life a bit slower. Practicing saying "no" to even some good things so I can say "yes" more to my family. This is never time wasted.
What are you loving now?
If not the boys, then me.
I find little more frustrating than being awake with a fever myself, while the littles sleep, knowing there won't be opportunity to make up for the loss later on.
Okay. Complaining over.
Despite being cooped up inside, there are so many things I love about now. In all honesty, my homebody self does not mind the lack of adventure much at all. We've watched movies, colored, play-dohed, drank hot cocoa, read books upon books, had dance parties, and loads and loads of snuggles.
I'm loving these days how Isaac's sweet personality is coming out more and more. He flat out adores his big brother. While sitting with the two boys on my lap watching a movie this afternoon, Isaac kept leaning over and giving Jude the wettest open-mouth-baby-kisses. Jude pushes him away, of course. A dynamic that will surely be interesting to watch grow over the next months and years.
I'm loving how Isaac nuzzles into me after I get him up from a nap and just makes the sweetest coos. So full of love.
I'm loving watching Jude grow in his vocabulary. He's on the later side of talking, but I know he will get there. He is busy being active and perfecting his hand-eye coordination. But that little voice chanting "pizza! pizza! pizza!" when I told him what was for dinner tonight and making sure everyone, including "I-sey" has their meal just melts my heart.
I'm loving the 6 month Bible reading plan I'm doing with my hubs. We've never read the Bible through together and I now think this is something every married couple should do at least once!
I'm loving thinking about the future, and trying hard to surrender instead of worry. So much (good) potential as we think of our plans to move in the next year or two. Where will we live? What will schooling look like? How many kids do we want to add to our family? All of these have been the topic of conversation as we seek to make wise decisions.
I'm loving trying to take life a bit slower. Practicing saying "no" to even some good things so I can say "yes" more to my family. This is never time wasted.
What are you loving now?
January 24, 2013
what i'm thinking about :: simplifying
When I first got married and registered for all of our kitchen and house needs, I had no idea what I liked. I had no style. I was just dirt poor and people were giving me things I needed. Everything we bought and registered for was the cheapest possible, because we were fresh outa college (well, I was still in college). This was also a time where my wardrobe consisted of college sweatshirts and jeans. Trust me, my tank and cardigan look from today is a tremendous improvement.
My style screamed college student on a budget.
Somehow, this resulted in me having a mostly red living room.
I really don't like red. I have no idea how my living room color became dominantly red. Because I've never liked it. But, we have a giant red rug in our living room. It was the cheapest rug we could find, so there you have it.
As I've grown up a bit, and as we've become a bit more established career-wise and financially, I've started focusing on the type of atmosphere I want to create in my home. A place that is peaceful, joyful, has walls filled with memories and scripture, and allows for my kids to be kids while still reflecting my grown-up style. I can tell you it doesn't involve a red rug.
But, we plan to move soon. So, I don't want to re-decorate a house I don't intend to live in for more than a year or two. But I'm making slow changes and adding more me into the little things.
Such as, dishes.
I got some pretty white dishes from my Mama for Christmas. The kind that go with everything and have a fresh clean look. As opposed to the brown, tan, and red dishes I had before (seriously with the red!) And truth be told, about 42% of my old dishes were broken, cracked, or chipped in some way. I welcomed the replacement. (And everyone in the household knows to be extra careful with these ones.)
But, I only received one set to begin with. I had to wait a couple weeks for the rest. Still, I eagerly packed away my old dishes and filled my cabinets with four new bowls, plates, and coffee mugs.
And let me tell you, those four little place settings taught me a lesson.
We don't have a dishwasher, so I don't know why this never crossed my mind before. Having an unnecessary twelve place settings leaves room for a lot of dirty dishes and a lot of clutter. Suddenly, only having four place settings, the clutter was gone. I was forced to use less, wash more. But the washing took almost no time at all.
I know this isn't rocket science. But this little example hit it home to me that less is more. Simplifying makes room for more peace. Less chaos.
I've now decided that I'm going to take this approach as I think about creating the atmosphere of my home. Simplify. When the rest of the dishes came in, I left one set in storage. A family of four with two who do not use Mama's favorite dishes do not need a set of twelve in the cabinet.
Also, when I choose my kids clothes for the next season. Simplify. There is absolutely no reason a two-year-old needs four pairs of jeans and 15 shirts. If I do laundry daily or even every other day, we can get by with less. Also, this means that my laundry piles aren't near as big and I'm more likely to tackle them when the task isn't so daunting. Win-win?
More peace. Less chaos.
More space. Less clutter.
I'm going to allow this to be a theme in my life moving forward. I can be queen of over-complication. It's the little things that add up to the big thing. The little moments of just doing the next thing that add up to the less chaos. Just do those two dishes. That one pile of laundry. Take those 15 minutes and de-clutter your kitchen. Or don't. Maybe color with your kids instead. Or have a dance party. Whatev the moment calls for.
I don't want to let over-complication paralyze me, but instead look for ways to simplify my days. I'm thinking somewhere in there is more peace and more joy.
January 22, 2013
when that Mama-bear side shows up
Today was the first real snow of winter. The kind where it actually sticks to the ground and makes crazy people like my hubby giddy and realistic people like me terrified of the roads.
In all honesty, I should have just stayed home. But I hadn't seen my Monday morning Bible study gals in weeks due to the sickness that overcame my boys, and I was feeling antsy to see another four walls.
And of course, it's never as bad as my mind makes it out to be. Suck it up, Lindsy.
Only it was that bad.
Getting on the eastbound highway, cars are going 10 miles per hour. I soon see, and count, ten cars on the side of the road and in the ditch going westbound. Soon to follow are about ten other cars spinning, crashing, and flying through the median. Including a semi which was skidding perpendicular to the road and a pickup truck plowing through the median as if it were another lane.
I was shaking. Praying fiercely that God would keep us safe. Probably terrifying my kids as I sternly lectured each car to stay the heck away from me.
All was fine for us. I took the next exit off the highway and slowly drove the rest of the way home. Missed my Bible study gals, but arriving home safely was enough accomplishment for me to consider the day a success. We celebrated with a Thomas the train movie and hot cocoa.
Being a Mama has revealed a protective mama-bear side to me. I remember being pregnant with Jude and being absolutely livid while driving that people were being careless on the road. Because I was pregnant and my body was doing its best to protect my child and anyone who would do anything to put my child at risk was going to hear from me.
That same pregnant Mama-bear rage found me in the face of a guy who seemed to think it was a good idea to smoke weed while standing next to me at a concert. Me, being large, hormonal, probably 33-34 weeks pregnant, and absolutely flabbergasted at this guys idiocy if he thought I was going to stand by and let my unborn child second-hand breathe in that poison. Yes, he heard from me.
The hormones have calmed down, but not much has changed. These little lives were given to me as a gift and I will passionately advocate for them. Anything to keep them safe. And one day, I know they will be the ones terrifying me with their own decisions. But I don't have grace for those days yet, so we just won't think about that.
But when you see me driving 25 miles per hour on the highway, know that it's because I love my babies.
Okay, I'm not that slow.
January 21, 2013
when I want to bubble up my kids forever
There was a conversation on facebook yesterday about how to explain Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to a young child. While I am not at the point of having this conversation with my boys yet, this topic is something that has weighed heavily on my mind in the recent months.
The day will come when my boys learn about evil. That bad things happen to good people. That hurt happens. Pain happens. Discrimination. Lies. Hate. Murder. Manipulation. Just evil.
It breaks my heart, because I want their little worlds to stay perfect. No danger, as it is today. Full of trust and hope and wonder. I want to hide them away and bubble them up and keep them from all harm.
But that isn't good for them either.
I don't think anything has shown me God's heart for us more than being a parent has. That kind of love and willingness to sacrifice. And his is more than I could imagine. Far far more.
But it is clear to me that even in my mere nearly-two-years of parenthood, that we are fallen from birth. I have often thought of the command to "do all things without complaining or arguing" as potentially one of the first sinful things people do. The most basic to our nature. Kids complain. They argue. They don't start out lying or manipulating or stealing. Just complaining. And that is already sin.
As I contemplate how I want to, someday, explain the fallen world for what it is, I know have to start at the end. The gift given because of our fallenness.
This world is fallen.
And there is grace.
So you complain and argue.
There will be grace.
So I snap a sharp remark or act out of frustration.
Grace for that as well.
In order for my children to understand our desperate need for grace, they WILL need to {someday} see this fallen world for what it is. This sad, broken world. Desperate for a savior. Because we will never be perfect.
I'm in no hurry to have this conversation. It will happen someday. But not tomorrow. Not at two years old. And not for many years. Today I will simply act in grace. I'll respond in patience and gentleness. And when I don't. When I'm imperfect, I'll ask for forgiveness. We try to be good at that 'round here.
In all things, especially in this season of parenthood, perfection cannot be the goal. We will only fall time after time. Grace is the testimony. I do my best, but my works don't save me. Only His blood.
That is the one thing I hope my kids walk away with in 18 years. If nothing else, grace.
*linking up with Heather for Just Write.
January 20, 2013
all will be made new
I just wanted to pop in today to share a song that has been playing and playing and playing in my mind. I just adore it and I don't know how I went so long without knowing JJ Heller!
I hope you enjoy!
I hope you enjoy!
January 18, 2013
five minute friday :: cherished
Right now in my Monday morning Bible Study, we are doing another study by Jennie Allen. We did Stuck about a year ago, and now we are doing Chase.
I love these ladies, but my plate has been full this season. Full of good things, but not always necessarily the needed things. I am always thrilled to meet with these ladies for fellowship and accountability, but in all complete honesty, I was viewing this study as just another thing to check off my to do list.
I wasn't expecting it to speak directly to my heart, right from the get-go. I wasn't expecting it to be just what I need in this season.
It's all about David. And him being a man after God's heart. Such a fallen man with adultery and murder on his resume. But a man who loved God. A man who was in love with Him. Tunnel vision focused on Him. Who embraced where he was and who he was and praised always and confessed always.
I've only done the intro and the first week, but right away it asks me to examine where I find my identity.
My kids.
My friends.
My church.
My gifts and abilities.
My writing and my blog, even?
What am I chasing? Why? Do I use these things to define who I am?
If I am feeling empty, insecure, and unfulfilled, chances are that I am. Because these things never fill.
A lesson I am learning over and over and over and over. Even my good works don't fill.
This is where I want to sit today. Rest in this truth. My ultimate identity is as a cherished daughter of the King.
Today I am linking up with The Gypsy Mama for Five Minute Friday. One word. Five minutes. No editing, backtracking, or thinking too hard.
January 16, 2013
everyday acts of worship
It was 7:45pm. Past bedtime. And Daddy was gone for the night. Those pre-bedtime hours seem much longer when he's gone.
I looked around the house that the tiny toddler tornado had made his mark on. Toys, unorganized, everywhere. I was tempted to leave them. Put the boy to bed. Zone out on the couch and leave it all for morning.
But, instead, I invited Jude to clean it up with me. Piece by piece, we put it all away. I'm always shocked at the organization skills my not-even-two-year-old has. Each toy in it's proper place. He fills a bucket with cars and then takes it to his room to be put away, without me asking.
This is his daddy's attention to detail, most definitely.
Once all was put away, Jude looked at me with excitement, shouting, "More! More!".
But I had no more toys to put away!
And in a new way it hit me how this sweet boy found joy in something I find so mundane. Something simple, that I dread, he enjoys.
I want to be more like that. Joy in the mundane.
Joy that comes from gratitude, I'm certain. Being thankful for the toys on the floor and the dishes that were eaten upon by my favorite people.
And then the other day. I had posted about needing grace in this season of sickness. And my sweet friend, Colleen, posted something that totally rocked my perspective on the day.
It is so much a ministry of the high kingdom....cherishing the least, and doing the menial in complete exhaustion. It is what we mommas are honored in, our act of worship!
She is such an encourager. A real blessing to me.
But, what if, in my heart of hearts, I acted in faith that each of these menial tasks are the work of the kingdom? I often don't. Personally, those menial tasks often end up at the bottom of my list and get pushed to the next day.
The laundry?
The floor washing?
The cleaning out of closets?
But, what if, I did these things as an act of worship? What if I were able to give praise through these things? What if I could really truly express gratitude in these mundane tasks?
I might be able to find the joy like a child.
January 13, 2013
for now, just more grace.
Throwing my head back, I close my eyes. Another day on the books. My role as mommy has been switched to the on-call status. Just waiting for the little voice.
Mama? Mama!
The night is not silent.
And a blazing hot little body when I go to check on him.
It's been another weekend of hacking, nose wiping, and fevers. Just when he is over pink eye, this flu bug attacks his poor sweet body. The heavy, red, sick eyes say it all.
I'm frustrated. More than frustrated, I'm just ticked. But I know I'm not the only one. Far from it. Friends upon friends have it and their kids and babies have it. And we're all just wrung out and exhausted. We're on our knees asking God to intervene and rid our bodies of these viruses!
But today, I just need some grace.
Grace to have days full of movies and no formal meals.
Grace for my messy house and my unwashed dishes.
Grace for my children who spend over 24 hours in the same jammies.
Grace for the friends that I've failed to be a good friend to because I'm so wrapped up in these boys.
Grace for the moments I feel helpless as a Mama and don't know how to fix whatever it is that ails them.
And now, grace for a night where I'm shutting down the computer, turning off the lights, and going to bed early.
I just need to rest in this grace.
Night, friends.
What do you need extra grace for today?
January 10, 2013
when grace is needed for oneness
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Photo credit | Brooke Collier Photo | October 2011 |
We both know we need it. Desperately.
After parties and celebrations of the holidays and messed up work schedules, we have missed our weekly connect nights. I didn't realize how much the sanity of our marriage depended on these seemingly simple moments until we skipped them for three weeks.
I used to think that we were the weird ones. That something was wrong with us. Because our marriage takes work. Because we are not always as loving or respectful as we should be. Because we easily fall into the crazy cycle.
When our first year of marriage that was more life change than I expected, I started talking about the battle that oneness sometimes is in marriage. And in that, I learned that we were not the weird ones. It turned out, my parents are the weird ones (or the blessed ones) (sorry Mom). As I never ever saw them so much as raise their voices at each other, I thought our marriage was nearly doomed when we started butting heads only a short time after we said our vows. It turns out, we are only fallen humans.
I believe that it is one of Satan's absolute number one goals to tear apart marriages.
The world is against us in every way. Our pride is against us. Our very flesh is against us.
And these past three weeks we got caught up in it.
A single look in his eye and I'm making assumptions about what he's thinking. A slip in the tone of my voice and he takes something in a way I didn't intend. (Or maybe I did.) And the spiraling continues.
But tonight we talk. We must make it stop. My frustrated heart wants to say, "forget it" and go drown my thoughts in a book or another episode of Downton Abbey where I can focus on anything but my own pride and selfishness. But knowing that this would only be conceding to Satan and also knowing that I have never once walked away from a Wednesday night wishing I hadn't just spent time pursuing oneness with my husband, we talk.
We're honest. Sometimes brutally.
We confess our sinful, selfish behavior.
We forgive. Always.
I'll tell you what. If there's anything our kids will know how to do well, it is apologize and forgive.
We pray. Asking God for grace to cover our clear imperfections. Asking for grace to make us a team once again. Asking for extra doses of patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control.
And so now I breathe easier. The air is clear. We look into each others eyes and hold each others hands and reassure that our love and commitment is forever. We remember for the millionth time that we are on the same team. And what a great team we make.
When the blinders of the crazy cycle are off, it's not hard to recognize the blessing God's given me in my husband. In the dedicated father of my children. In the man with an unwavering passion for truth and the gospel. In the man who I know will fight for me til death do us part.
And I'm so grateful that we both understand grace. That we both know that perfection isn't the goal, but more Christ. More of Him in our lives and our marriage and our parenting. If our marriage is a testimony to perfection, we've missed something.
So, Lord, in our brokenness, let our lives and our marriage be a testimony to your blood that was shed. To grace.
January 8, 2013
approaching as a student
I feel like every other post I write begins with me talking about my sick kids. Yet, here we are.
We missed church once again this week due to Jude waking up with a red, gunky, swollen eye. There was no questioning that the very-contagious-and-gross-looking pink eye had gotten him and we promptly took him to urgent care to get treated.
I then proceeded to go to the grocery store to purchase loads of hand sanitizer and Lysol to hopefully prevent anyone else (especially the littlest one) from succumbing to the pink, gooey, eye.
So, I had church at home. I spent the morning in Genesis reading about the trials Jacob and Laban. Only a week in, but I am really enjoying this Bible in six months plan.
I think I have a different perspective this time that is making all the difference.
That, and an amazing accountability partner (hey hubby).
This time, I'm reading through the Bible quickly, without much time to chew on the details. This isn't honestly my favorite way to read, which is why I feel it is necessary (because there is much I haven't read in a very long time). Also, this is why I chose to make the commitment short and breeze through it in 6 months. I'd love to get back to the slow reading sooner than later. But, I have so often read the Bible with a consumer mentality. What can I get out of this? How does this apply to me? What is God trying to tell me through this?
Which is good.
In this quicker-than-I'd-like pace, I'm seeking to approach scripture with the purpose of knowing God and increasing my knowledge in a way I haven't before. Who is he across all time? What is the big picture and how does it point toward Christ? What does this reveal about God's character?
The words aren't different, but for me it's a mental shift. And a bit of a heart-shift as I ask God to reveal HIM to me more than before. I'm approaching more as a student. Less of someone looking for some inspiration. I do think that both have their seasons.
Because, here's the thing. I really do think that it all starts with knowing God in a big way. I have spent so much time getting to know Jesus in the New Testament without understanding in full how the stories of the Old Testament pointed toward Him all along. I was missing out on a ton of power and truth by approaching it in that way.
I'm excited to know more about that power. That power that now lives in me. That power that I pray will become the overflow of my life.
I'm excited, friends! What season of studying are you in right now?
January 7, 2013
writing when writing is hard
Too many nights are like this.
Me. With a topic I picked out a couple of weeks ago to write about (because I'm attempting to be super-organized like that). Staring at a blank screen with ZERO inspiration to spit it out in words.
Because the inspiration hit while I was doing the dishes or maybe last night while I was showering. Inspiration is never convenient. At least not for me.
And right now, the scene is this. Sick toddler with pink eye. Do you feel like all I write about are my sick kids?? Because I do. My Christmas tree is still up. Laundry un-folded in the hamper. It's 10:30pm and my New Years resolution was to be in bed by 10.
And I stare at this blank screen thinking I just want to share life!!
Then I think, share what? Share that my kids are sick and my Christmas tree is up and my house is never ever put-together? Do people want to read my endless doting on my kids? My struggles with prioritizing the things I've prioritized as important in life? My sometimes directionless passion to spur women on in the monotony of stay-at-home-motherhood? My weak attempts at simplifying life and living with less?
I'll admit it. As much as I love writing, I sometimes doubt I have anything of value to say. And so, on certain nights, I stick to my topic. Force out some semi-inspired words that didn't flow as well as I like. And kind of shrug my shoulders as I hit publish.
And somehow God shows me that my efforts are not in vain. People are reading. People are relating and being encouraged even when I feel weak in this calling.
Your comments, even a simple "Amen!" or "Been there sister!" are so so so encouraging to me. It is easy for this to feel like a one-sided conversation. But with each post I invite you to share life with me as well.
There is power in our stories. Even in the monotony, where we see glimpses of grace and small moments of praise. It's there. In the word of our testimony, the living out of our every days, there is power.
This is me being bold where I'm at right now. This is me not doubting that my calling, specific to me, is important.
Even as small as it may seem.
As small as a tiny little blog on the internet where I try to share life and speak truth.
As small as wiping messy peas of your 6 month olds face and giving thanks.
As small as writing that letter of encouragement that seems like nothing but really is everything.
Even when it isn't easy. Even when it is uncomfortable or takes extra effort or boldness.
This is my encouragement to you (and to me) to not doubt. Grab your unique calling by the shoulders and be bold about it. I'm stepping out in faith with you.
January 4, 2013
good to be a brother
To think that I was afraid now makes me laugh.
That a little over six months ago I was so unsure and fearful of how another child would change our family. Really, it is near hilarious.
There is a reason the Lord tells us not to fear.
Six months into this mom-of-two gig, and I am grateful that God knows what is best for our family far better than I do. Adding to our family has been oh so good. I can't think of a previous six months that has brought me more joy.
I know it is good when Jude wakes up and asks about Isaac (Eye-see) first thing in the morning.
I know it is good when Isaac is more smothered by hugs and kisses than anyone in our family, since he is doted on by all three of us.
I know it is good when a little Mr.Mom constantly replaces pacis, wipes Isaac's face with a burp cloth, and grabs a spoonful of baby food and (almost) feeds his little brother dinner.
I know it is good when I see the two of them laugh hysterically at one another for reasons only a brother could understand.
I know it is good when they snuggle on the floor together and I see the absolute glee in Isaac's face as Jude (gently) wrestles him and gives him paci kisses.
I know it is good when I already see opportunity to teach Jude about sharing, gentleness, apologizing, and forgiveness.
I know it is good when life before kids is fading from memory and I'm at peace with that.
I could not have planned this life.
Six months in, I see so much goodness. So much faithfulness. Loads and loads of grace. And a sweet little boy only God knew we needed.
Can I just say that I must be one blessed lady to have the opportunity to raise brothers.
January 2, 2013
keep walking. keep seeking.
Hello 2013!
I feel like a little kid again, with a Christmas vacation coming to an end. While vacations have forever changed now that we have two littles in our family, having the hubby home for a stay-cation this week has taken a load off my shoulders and allowed some rest that my spirit needed.
This past week, the hubs and I found ourselves discussing the coming year and what our hopes and goals and expectations might be. Much of what we are doing is just continuing the good that we already have in our life. But as I thought about growing as a follower of Christ, a wife, a Mama, and a writer, I found myself making a list of MORE and LESS.
Such as MORE sleep.
More fitness.
Less TV.
More reading. More writing.
Less social media.
More homemaking. More encouraging.
Less stuff.
More praying. More stillness.
Less comparison.
More productive mornings. More card writing.
Less shopping and spending.
More date nights. More planned rest.
Less laziness.
We are just going to keep walking. Keep reading truth. Keep seeking Christ. Keep pursuing oneness in our marriage. Anything that goes against that will be cut out.
As far as this space goes, I'm going to keep writing. I've got a sweet group of gals to hold me accountable to my commitment to use this site for His glory. But much beyond that, 2013 is a mystery to me as far as where this blog will go.
One thing that the hubs and I decided to do to add to our Christ-seeking and marriage-oneness is reading the Bible together. We decided that a 6 month plan would be best for us, and we're doing the 6-month reading plan from You Version. (If you have a smart-phone or tablet, this is truly the #1 most important app to have.)
This is kind of a big deal to me.
You see, I've planned to read the Bible from cover to cover many many times. And fallen off the wagon every. single. time.
This time will be different.
I have determination, and even better, I have accountability. I just love that my hubby is doing this with me, and I pray that it will deepen our marriage in ways we would never expect.
Also, I am sharing this goal here. Because I hope you will either
A. join me, or
B. check in on me and ask how it's going.
I am so excited to get a little more radical in my pursuit of the Word. I know that it will not be time wasted.
What is your plan in your Bible reading this year? What are you seeking more of and less of?
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