February 21, 2010

Spuring one another on..

Hebrews 10:23-25
23Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
This has been on my heart for the past week or two.  Just feeling that I need to be intentional about what this verse says... "spur one another on... meeting together... encourage one another".  I feel like this is something that, for me, is so easy to let stay in the background of my relationships.  I don't know why that is - probably because sometimes it is uncomfortable to go there and to be honest.  But when I spend time with friends, we rarely intentionally challenge each other spiritually or ask each other what we can be praying for each other.  I guess this is my challenge to myself to "go there"... to seek to be an encouragement and ask in what ways I can be praying for them... and to actually daily PRAY.  I do pray for my friends, but I just have this sense lately that if these people are truly important in my life - what more loving thing can I do than to lift them up in prayer and to have an honest relationship where we can encourage each other in our walk in Christ?  Just some thoughts I am having lately.

That being said... I just want those of you who read this blog and who are praying for us to know that I GREATLY appreciate your friendship and prayers. :-)  It means more to me than I can say!  Please feel free to leave comments of how I can be praying for you.  Or send me an email... whatever.  But I just feel like we need to start the conversation and use our friendship as a way to intentionally spur one another on toward Christ!

As for updates... I am right now waiting for the results of my blood test which will check my thyroid and hormone levels.  I hope to have an answer this week. :-)  I'm still feeling very at peace with this process and God has given me patience (at least today) to trust his timing.  February has been a difficult month because I have been sick literally since Feb 1.  I am finally able to function, but I am not 100% yet.  But this has forced me to take a break and to not really think about getting pregnant this month.  It has been kind of a needed relief.  I am eager to get healthy again, though.  I think I have gone through 4 boxes of tissues in the past 2 days.  Ugh.

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