January 3, 2011

Too many options!!

There is no time waster like registering for baby stuff.

I cannot make up my freaking mind and it is driving me crazy.  I know I just need to make a decision on some of this stuff, but there are WAAYYY too many options out there.

Like bottles for example.  Clearly, I plan on breastfeeding, but I will be working 1/2 a day a week and I would also like to have the option to pump and let Jordan feed him every once in awhile.  So there are a zillion different bottles out there.  I don't want to spend a fortune, but I don't want to just buy the cheapest bottle there is.  And I want a bottle that I can breastfeed and switch to bottle feeding easily.  Holy moly I think I just spent 2 hours researching bottles and am only more confused.  I think I will just pick one or two and hope for the best... then buy more of whatever he likes.
It is so hard to decide what is worth spending money on.  I could spend a fortune on baby stuff, but I just don't think it is all that necessary.  So I am registered for the cheapest pack-n-play, bouncer, swing, etc... but chose to go a bit more pricey on the car seat, stroller, etc... that will get more wear (and is more important when it comes to safety).

Any input on what is important vs. what doesn't really matter when it comes to baby stuff would be MUCH appreciated!! 


  1. I'm going to breastfeed/pump because I want B to be able to participate in the middle of the night feedings :). And to be able to leave the house! Anyways, there is no question from me what bottles I will use: Dr. Brown's. The family for whom I nannyed used them (she pumped and then put the milk in those bottles). I know from my sister as well that it really helps reduce gassiness. Plus they are easy to use/put together. That's my two cents on bottles :).

    And, oh my goodness! Yes, you could spend a bunch of money on baby things! The only things I am certain of are that I need a pack n play that I can raise the bottom of (baby will be sleeping in it in our room for the first few months) and that I want the Baby Jogger City Mini stroller. Other than that, I am open to input from your research!

    Sorry to take over your comment section! Who knew prepping for baby could be so overwhelming!

  2. I'm not expert only have a 3 month old but Rory has pretty much been bottle fed so here's my advice :). I would only buy a few of whatever you want to try or don't boil and open all prior to having baby boy. You never know if he will refuse a certain bottle and you will find that you like some more than others or if you will have to deal with colic. Also, consider cost...if he likes ones that aren't $8 a bottle then great cheaper for you and you won't be sick to your stomach when you lose one.

    I currently use playtex ventair but when rory was first born she took the super cheaper gerber ones the best (otherwise it would take her an hour to eat a bottle).

  3. The bottle John likes best is the one that came with the Medela pump. We also use Dr. Brown's bottles. Breastfeeding is so much faster though.

    As far as registering is concerned, don't worry about it. Register now and then if you find something better before baby comes, then just exchange it! I think it's so hard to even give advice about registering because every baby is different. We were going to have John in our room for a while in the pack 'n play, but none of us slept well, so that is probably a purchase that we could spent less on (but I do love the one we have). We also got a bumbo, but have only used it three times, each for about 5 minutes because John spit up so much when he was in it. We have loved our high-chair and monitor. The cheap bouncy from Meijer has been great and the exersaucer from Craigslist keeps him busy.

    Even though it is stressful, it is fun to open the gifts and get everything set up for the baby! :)

  4. Just thought of something that noone told me prior to having Rory. Some of insurance companies will buy you a breatpump so you may want to look into that!

    Oh and I spent a TON on a stroller but it turns into a double so I figure I'm saving(hopefully) in the long run.

  5. Honestly, I didn't do much research.

    I chose Dr. Brown's bottles because so many people said it helped their colic-y babies. Whether Ethan is colic-y or not (I hope not!), I figured they're a safe bet, so I got a few of those.

    I also got the Playtext Drop-Ins because they are tried and true and have been around forever. And they are MUCH easier when it comes to cleaning them and using them, so I figure if we don't need Dr. Brown's, we'll use those.

    Like you, I plan on breastfeeding, but having a few bottles on hand is going to be necessary!
